
Victor (Chia Cheng) Chao  趙嘉成

                                                                                                                                                                     E-mail:  victor@tea.ntue.edu.tw


2003–2007  Management Information System (MIS)

                    Ph.d. of National Chen Chi University

2001-2004   Master of EMBA MIS of National Chen Chi University

1991-1993   Master of Health Service Management of New York University

1989-1991   Master of Computer Science of New York City University


Working Experience:

2008-Current Assistant professor of Information Science Dept. of National Taipei University of Education

2003-2007  Director of Business Development of Wan-Fang Hospital

1998-2007  Assistant professor of Health Service Department of Taipei Medical University

1994-1997  Director and Computer instructor of Asian Elite Chinese School of N.Y.

1998-1997  EDI Programmer of Kinray (256 th.of USA) Pharmaceutics Inc.          

                    Kinray, EDI programmer

1993-1997  Senior Programmer Analyst of Formosa Plastic Corp. N.J.           

1993-1997     Financial Analyst of Woodhaul Hospital on N.Y.C. Hospital Corporation




Article Title


Publication  Journal


Impact Factor


Domestic Journal

Mobile information and communication in the hospital outpatient service

Wen-Yuan Jen, Yu-Chuan Li, Chia-Chen Chao,

Y.P.-Chi , Ming-Chien Hung,

International Journal of Medical Informatics

SCI (The hottest top 25 articles, No.11)



Determining Technology Trends and Forecasts of RFID by A Historical Review and Bibliometric analysis from 1991 to 2005

Chia-Cheng Chao

Jiann-Min. Yang
Wen Yuan Jen,

International Journal of Technovation


(The hottest top 25 articles, No.5)



An innovative mobile approach for patient safety

services: The case of a Taiwan healthcare provider


Chia-Chen Chao

Wen-Yuan Jen,

Y.P. Chi
Yu-Chuan Li,

Ming-Chien Hung


International Journal of Technovation




Determining Technology Trends and Forecasts of CRM by A Historical Review and Bibliometric analysis from 1991 to 2005

ChiaChen Chao

YanPing Chi*

WenYuan Jen


International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development




Using Mobile Technology to Improve Healthcare Service Quality

Chia Chen Chao

Wen Yuan Jen,

Yu-Chuan Li,

Y.P. Chi

Chang-I Chen ,

Chen Chjeh Feng

IOS Press: is an international journal publisher of books and and journals of major scientific areas 




Improving Patient Safety with RFID and Mobile Technology

ChiaChen Chao

YanPing Chi

WenYuan Jen


International Journal of Electronic Healthcare




Medical errors in a hospital in Taiwan: Incidence, Aetiology, and Proposal solution

Chang-I Chen, Chien-Tsai Liu, Chieh-Feng Chen, Yu-Chuan Li, Chia-Cheng Chao

The journal of Information Technology in Healthcare, 2004;2(1),11-18




Applying  CRM forpromoting hospital self pay performance research

Liu Chei Hon, WenYuan Jen

Chia Cheng Chao

Shei KanWen Da Chu 

Journal of hospital management 09,

 20043 V.5 Issue 3,  p 304-321









Conference Title


Publication  Conference


Innovative Mobile Health Service Increasing Marketing Competition Advantage:
 An Evaluation of High Risk Reminders and Surveillance System

Chia-Chen Chao Y.P. Chi
Yu-Chuan Li,
Tong-An Hsu,
Wen-Yuan Jen,

International Conference on Business and Information, Hong Kong, July 14-15, 2005


Using Mobile Technology to Improve Health Service Quality

Chia-Chen Chao, Binshan Lin,

Wen Yu-Chuan Li,Yuen Jen

MIS 2005


Applying privacy law research from Europe and USA into Taiwan 

Chia-Chen Chao

Yen-Pin Chi

Wen-Yuan Jen,

MIST 2005


Apply mobile and internet technologies for patient adverse event of  patient safety research

Chia-Chen Chao

Chu Liu

Yen-Pin Chi


Taiwan enterprise resource planning 14th conference


Applying balance score card to promote hospital performance research

Chia-Chen Chao

Chu Liu

Yen-Pin Chi


Taiwan enterprise resource planning 14th conference
